The Ultimate Back-to-School Checklist for Parents (2024)

As summer winds down, it’s time to start thinking about the back-to-school essentials.

We’ve put together a quick checklist to help you get everything in order before the first bell rings!

1. Clothing and Shoes

  • Fit Check: Kids grow so fast! Go through their clothes to see what still fits and what needs replacing.
  • Uniforms: If uniforms are required, ensure you’ve got enough and that they’re in good condition.
  • Seasonal Gear: Double-check for jackets, gym shoes, and rain gear.

2. Haircuts

3. School Supplies

  • Official Lists: Grab the supply list from your child’s school to make sure you’re getting the right items.
  • Label Everything: Avoid mix-ups by labeling supplies, especially pricey items like calculators and lunchboxes.

4. Backpacks and Lunchboxes

  • Check Last Year’s Gear: Is their backpack still holding up? How’s the lunchbox? Replace if needed.
  • Snack Stock: Keep healthy snacks on hand for those busy school days.

5. Health Checks

  • Schedule Appointments: Get those physicals, dental check-ups, and eye exams done before the school rush.
  • Immunizations: Ensure your child’s vaccinations are up to date.

6. Sleep Routine

  • Adjust Bedtime: Gradually move bedtime earlier to ease into the school schedule.
  • Morning Practice: Run through the morning routine a few times to help everyone get into the groove.

7. Organize a School Zone at Home

  • Homework Station: Set up a dedicated space stocked with all the supplies they’ll need.
  • Family Calendar: Use a calendar to keep track of important dates and activities.

8. Sports and Activities

  • Check Deadlines: Many fall activities have early registration. Check out our Class & Activity Guide for fun ideas.
  • Gear Up: Make sure your child has the necessary equipment for their sports or activities.
  • Balance the Schedule: Keep an eye on the overall schedule to avoid burnout. Rest and play are just as important!

9. Mental Prep

  • Talk It Out: If your child feels nervous about going back to school, talk about what to expect and address their concerns.
  • First Day Fun: Plan a special breakfast or after-school treat to make the first day something to look forward to.

10. Technology Check:

  • Device Readiness: If your child uses a tablet or laptop for school, make sure it’s working properly and any necessary software or apps are updated.
  • Charging Station: Set up a designated spot for charging devices overnight to avoid morning rushes.

With these tips, you’ll be well-prepared for the school year ahead. Here’s to a smooth transition back to the classroom! 🌟

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